Monday, April 12, 2004

Another New Project? Yikes!!

I have just about completed the right front of my cardi-raye. I am so in love with this sweater. The vibrant colors are so cheerful, and everywhere I take it along to knit on it, I get rave compliments. Hopefully, the finished sweater will live up to the knitting of it.

Look what I won on ebay:

Looks like I may have to join the Audrey knitalong. Doesn't take much to urge me to the dark side of more new projects -- show me some gorgeous yarn and a novel pattern, and off I go. I'll refrain from putting up the Audrey button until the yarn arrives. Maybe by then I'll have more progress on my other projects, thus, reducing the guilt level of yet one more. Sigh!! What is a girl to do?